Geography: Lewiston
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Broadside advertisement for N. Greenberg, a dealer in fancy dry goods, gloves, hosiery, Hamburg edgings, ladies and gents' furnishings, corsets, laces, and trimmings, as well as white shirts, laundered and unlaundered. Located at No. 33 Lisbon St., Lewiston, Maine. The broadside features a decorative image of a beehive, a corset, socks, and other items. Printed on wrapping paper.
This trade card advertises Aaron Berman and Co., agents for the Brooklyn Copying Houses. The front of the card states their office location as the Lincoln House in Lewiston, Maine. The image shows a simple design, likely reflecting the style of the late 19th century. The back of the card displays an advertisement: "OLD PICTURES COPIED...ENLARGED...DRAPES CAN BE CHANGED." This suggests that Aaron Berman and Co. offered services such as photo copying, enlarging, and retouching or altering photographs.
The trade card is for F. Friedman, a dry goods store in Lewiston, Maine. The front of the card depicts a cluster of colorful carnations. The back of the card is blank.
This trade card for Melcher & Miller, "The Boot and Shoe Men," features a die-cut design. The front of the card showcases a die-cut image of a drum and a bust of a young girl. Text on the front indicates the business is located "Under Music Hall" and displays a gold boot logo. The back of the card contains the full advertisement. The style and illustration suggest a late 19th-century origin.
Printed subpoena to appear in court in Lewiston, Nez Perce County, Idaho Territory, on April 22, 1868. Issued to I. Loewenberg, M. A. Kelly, C. C. Bunnell, and M. H. Spragru, to give evidence in a case involving Williams & Sarndesliss and Baker & Offerman. Features a decorative border and the signature of clerk S. Stiles.
Invoice from Grostein & Alexander, a general store located at the corner of Montgomery and Second Streets, Lewiston, Idaho. Dated October 26, 1867. The bill lists several items purchased by G. Gamble, including sugar, butter, syrup, bacon, peas, Japan tea, beans, and potash. It includes the prices for the goods and the total amount owed. The billhead features a simple design with the business name prominently displayed and the location listed directly below. The text appears to be written in a clear and legible script.
This trade card advertises J. Friedman & Co., a dry goods and toy store located at 17 Lisbon Street in Lewiston, Maine. The card features a red rose design in the center, surrounded by text. The text reads 'J. Friedman & Co., Dry Goods & Toys.' The back of the card is blank.
Trade card advertising the Prager Clothing Co., located at 87 Lisbon Street, Music Hall Block, Lewiston, Maine. Benjamin A. Prager is identified as President, and Fred H. Prager as Clerk and Director. Circa 1885.