Geography: Kenton
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Associated Items
A letter dated May 8, 1882, from Nathan & Straus, importers and wholesale liquor dealers in Chicago, Illinois, to the Kenton Sar Bank in Kenton, Ohio. The letterhead displays the firm's address as 103 East Lake Street, Chicago. Nathan & Straus was established in 1874.
Billhead from the Metropolitan Cigar Company, located at 225 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Michigan. The billhead is addressed to Freedman & Hesslein and mentions the Kenton Savings Bank, Kenton, Ohio. Dated October 12, 1878. The dimensions are 8.5" x 9".
A letter dated February 25, 1876, from Greenfield & Strauss, wholesale confectioners in New York City, to the Kenton Savings Bank in Kenton, Ohio. The letter contains instructions to the bank. The letter measures approximately 5 1/4" x 8 1/4".