Geography: Hoboken
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Associated Items
An advertising mirror for B. Braunstein's jewelry store located at 234 Washington Street in Hoboken, New Jersey. The mirror advertises birthstones. The date of manufacture is unknown.
This trade card advertises the Hoboken Carpet Cleaning and Renovating Works, owned by Theo. Hochbaum & Son, located at 914 Jefferson Street and 915 Madison Street, Hoboken, New Jersey. The card is printed in black ink on a white background. It features the company name and addresses, as well as the phone number, 1758. The back of the card is blank.
This trade card advertises A. Simon, a clothing merchant located at 98 Washington Street in Hoboken, New Jersey. The card features an illustration of a child wearing a rose hat. The text on the card also indicates that this card was displayed at the Library of Congress Exhibit in Cincinnati, Ohio in 2005. The back of the card is blank.
This trade card advertises Ettinger Bros., a dry goods and notions store located at 122 Washington St., cor. 3rd St., Hoboken, New Jersey. The front of the card features a color illustration of a young woman in a yellow dress, with fair hair and a white collar, holding various fabrics or items. Her presence emphasizes the fashion aspect of the store's inventory. The text 'Ettinger Bros.' is prominently displayed, along with their address. The copyright date '1879' is also visible. The back of the card features an advertisement for hosiery and patterns. [Ettinger Bros. were active in Jewish communal affairs].
This trade card advertises B. Braunstein, a jeweler located at 121 Washington Street, Hoboken, New Jersey. The front of the card features an illustration of a baby with birthstones surrounding him. The back of the card contains an advertisement for birthstones and a poem. The card also includes an advertisement for Friedlander, dated 1903.