Geography: Helena
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Associated Items
This 16-page pamphlet details the constitution and by-laws of the United Hebrew Benevolent Association of Helena, Montana, circa 1885. It lists 39 male and 23 female members, all wives of the male members. The association, formally reconstituted in 1885, aimed to promote Jewish principles of charity and benevolence by assisting the sick and needy, covering funeral expenses, and organizing religious services, particularly following deaths. The original Hebrew Benevolent Association of Helena was founded in December 1866.
Invoice from Morris Bros., wholesale and retail dealers in Havana and Domestic Cigars, Tobacco, Crockery, Glass Ware, Fruits, Confectionery, Playing Cards, Cutlery, Ammunition, Fire Arms, Baby Carriages, Bird Cages, Toys, etc., located on Main Street, Helena, Montana. Dated January 1, 1880. The bill lists items purchased, likely cigars, with quantities and prices, and includes a handwritten total. The billhead has a printed header, simple, ornate lettering, and clear details of the business address and transaction. The billhead includes details of the products sold.
Billhead from L. H. Rosengrans, a manufacturer and dealer in harnesses, saddles, spurs, etc., located on Broadway, one door above Main Street in Helena, Montana. The billhead is dated January 17, 1876.
Billhead from Bach, Cory & Co., wholesale grocers in Helena, Montana, dated January 29, 1896. The billhead features a company logo of intertwined
Billhead - Dated January 4, 1874. The bill is for an extensive list of purchases from J. Feldberg, Dealers in Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc. The billhead is printed with a decorative border around the business's name and description. The business was located in Helena, Montana on Main Street, opposite the First National Bank. The billhead is a well-preserved example of a late 19th century retail invoice.
Billhead from L. Auerbach & Bros., importers and wholesale dealers in teas, spices, wines, and liquors, foreign and domestic groceries, cigars, tobacco, notions and smokers' articles, saddlery and hardware, freight, etc. Located in Helena, Montana. Dated November 16, 1874. The bill is addressed to James S. Davis. The billhead has a printed header with an image of a wine barrel, and an ornate border. It also includes business details like location and a notice about claims for damages.
Billhead from J. Feldberg, a dealer in clothing, gents' furnishing goods, boots and shoes, hats and caps, etc. Located on Main Street, opposite the First National Bank, Helena, Montana. Dated November 3, 1873. This bill likely records a payment, and the signature is present on the right side of the bill, with the itemized list on the left. The buyer is indicated as “J. Davis” and the payment amount is written in by hand.
Billhead from Jonathan Levy & Co., wholesale dealers in staple and fancy groceries in Helena, Montana. Dated December 1, 1873. The bill lists an item purchased by Mrs. Davis Wallace. There is a signature from J. Levy at the bottom.
Invoice from S. L. Holzman & Bro., importers of California and Oregon fruits, cigars, notions, stationery, ammunition, and pistols, located on Main Street in Helena, Montana. The billhead has a printed header, ornate lettering, and clear details of the business address and transaction. It appears to include details of a transaction on December 1, 1873 for a buyer identified as Davis & Wallace.
Billhead for Gans & Klein, Importers, Manufacturers, and Dealers in fashionable clothing, gents' furnishing goods, hats, boots, shoes, hydraulic hose, rubber clothing, Cal. blankets, etc. The billhead notes an office and factory in New York at 184 and 186 Church Street. The billhead indicates the buyer is J. N. McKnight & Co. of Helena, Montana, and is dated December 19, 1879. The billhead has a printed header with ornate Victorian-style lettering. The business address, name, and type of products are neatly laid out.
Billhead from Morris Bros. in Helena, Montana dated December 2, 1880. The business sells cigars, pistols, and French and American confectioneries and is located on Main Street. The billhead lists a transaction with R. Lockey. The billhead features a simple format and a minimal amount of text, with a basic header and a few lines of text. The company name, address, and offerings are clearly outlined.
Bill from S. L. Holzman & Bro., wholesale and retail dealers in men’s, youth’s and boys’ ready-made clothing, gents’ furnishing goods, hats, caps, etc., located on Main Street in Helena, Montana. Dated December 24, 1874. The bill records the purchase of 1 suit, 2 linen shirts, 4 pair cuffs, 1 pair gloves, and 134 collars by Levy Allen. The billhead features a framed header section with ornate lettering and a depiction of a man in a suit being measured by a tailor, with a sign reading “ALL THE LATEST STYLES OF READY-MADE CLOTHING CONSTANTLY ON HAND LOW PRICES PREVAIL!”
Invoice from L. Auerbach & Bro., importers of and wholesale dealers in wines and liquors, foreign and domestic groceries, cigars, smokers' articles, notions, saddlery, and harness. Dated 1879. The billhead displays ornate lettering and a printed image of a woman holding scales. The bill appears to be an account or statement for the buyer, 'Lockey & Co.,' with a total of 87.75. The buyer name is handwritten, along with the date 'Feb. 1, 1879'.
Billhead from D. Block & Co., a dry goods business with locations in Helena, Montana; New York, New York; and San Francisco, California. Dated February 5, 1877. The billhead lists the New York address as 46 West Broadway and the San Francisco address as 22 and 24 Battery Street. J.J. Koenigshofer is listed as running the Helena store.
Billhead from L. Auerbach & Bro., importers and wholesale dealers in wines and liquors, foreign and domestic groceries, cigars, smokers' articles, notions, saddlery, and harness. Located on Main Street, Helena, Montana. The billhead includes a decorative image of the Roman goddess of justice, Justitia, holding scales. The bill is dated March 1, 1877, and lists a purchase from Lackey & Co.
Invoice from Chas. Mayn & Co., dealers in staple and fancy groceries, provisions, liquors, tobacco, cigars, mining tools, and other goods. Dated June 1, 1874. The invoice is made out to Davis & Wallace and details various purchases, likely including tobacco, possibly brooms, and/or shoes, with corresponding price and quantity information. The billhead has a printed header, ornate lettering, and clear details of the business address and transaction. The header lists the business name and a short list of goods sold. The billhead also mentions A. Kleinschmidt.
Billhead from Koenigsberger Bros., a business located at 30 Main Street, Helena, Montana. The billhead lists "CIGARS...GUNWARE...NOTIONS" as items sold. Dated June 1, 1874.
Billhead from D. Morris' business in Helena, Montana, dated June 14, 1874. The billhead advertises cigars and notions. The business address is listed as Main Street, Helena, Montana.
Billhead for Morris Bros., wholesale and retail dealers in Havana and Domestic Cigars, Tobacco, Fruits, Confectionery, Playing Cards, Cutlery, Ammunition, Fire Arms, Toys, etc. located in Helena, Montana. Dated July 1, 1877. The bill lists a transaction for Davis & Wallace. This billhead features ornate lettering in the header, and the business address at the bottom of the page. The invoice is printed on light blue lined paper and has a handwritten date.
Billhead for Oppenheimer & Asch, sole agents for the American Brewing Co.'s beers, located at the corner of Main and Wood Streets in Helena, Montana. The billhead features a graphic of the American Brewing Co.'s eagle brand mark. Dated July 1, 1897.
Billhead from W. C. Lobenstein, a dealer in harness, saddles, saddlery-hardware, leather, shoe findings, hides, furs, and wool, located at Bentley's Block, Main Street, Helena, Montana. Dated July 31, 1876. The bill lists purchases from the business by A. M. Halter & Bro. with an itemized list of goods and prices, likely for a buggy, including a harness, bridle, straps, and a whip. The billhead has printed details of the business address and services.
A printed billhead for J. Feldberg, a dealer in clothing, gents' furnishing goods, boots, shoes, hats, caps, etc. The billhead lists the sale of “1 Hat” for $5.00, with a handwritten notation of “paid.” The billhead states that the business is located on Main Street, opposite the First National Bank, Helena, Montana. The billhead is dated August 24, 1874. The billhead features ornate lettering and a decorative border. It includes the notation “A Full Assortment of CALIFORNIA UNDERWEAR AND BLANKETS CONSTANTLY ON HAND”.
Billhead from J. Feldberg, a clothing dealer in Helena, Montana. The billhead, dated August 31, 1874, lists various clothing items and their prices. The business was located on Main Street, opposite the First National Bank.
Invoice from A. J. Davidson, successor to W. C. Lobenstein, dealer in Hill's Concord, Western Team and Buggy Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars and Saddlery Hardware, located at Holter's Block, Main Street, Helena, Montana. Dated September 1, 1881. The bill lists items purchased by J. N. McLeod and includes the handwritten details of the transaction. The billhead displays a printed header, ornate lettering, and clear details of the business address and transaction. It also includes an image of a saddle and other tack, and the company logo, 'Bought of.'
Billhead from S. Cohen & Co., located in Helena, Montana. The billhead also lists a New York City office. Dated September 21, 1894. The billhead shows a connection to S. R. Buford & Co.
Billhead from J. Feldberg, a dealer in clothing, gents’ furnishing goods, boots and shoes, hats and caps. Located at Main Street, opposite First National Bank, Helena, Montana. Dated September 29, 1873. The bill displays a handwritten inscription indicating the purchase of 1 hat and a quantity of “boys pants,” presumably for $3.50. The billhead has a simple, functional format. It includes a printed header with the business name and address, and a basic itemized transaction section. A line across the bottom separates the header from the transaction details.
A letter written on billhead stationery of I. Marks, a dealer in Kentucky whiskies, located at 16 North Main Street, Helena, Montana. The letter is dated January 26, 1892, and mentions Great Falls, Montana.
Billhead from HELENA-FRISCO MINING CO., located in Gem, Idaho. Dated October 25, 1897. The billhead contains a detailed order for mining equipment, including steel shafts, rim pulleys, and couplings. The billhead features an ornate decorative design and a detailed graphic of the mine.
A letter dated April 21, 1891, from William Weinstein & Company, wholesale and retail grocers in Helena, Montana, to the Great Falls Liquor Co. The letterhead indicates the grocer's location as Lower Main Street, Helena, Montana.
Billhead/letter from William Weinstein & Co., wholesale and retail grocers, located on Lower Main Street, Helena, Montana. Dated July 29, 1890.
A letter written on September 6, 1894, from A. J. Seligman to the Castle Land Company in Helena, Montana. The letterhead identifies the Castle Land Company as agents for Judson Dynamite and Powder. The content of the letter is unknown.
Receipt issued by L. H. Hershfield & Bro. to M. Lissner for $124.00 in gold dust. The receipt notes a name change incorporating the brother. Issued in Helena, Montana Territory, in 1868.
A receipt issued by L. H. Hershfield & Bro. for $40.00 in currency on January 31, 1881, in Helena, Montana Territory. The receipt indicates payment was received by L. H. Hershfield as treasurer.
Receipt issued by L. H. Hershfield & Co. acknowledging receipt of $60.00 in notes payable to Loeb & Bro. on March 23, 1868, in Helena, Montana Territory. The receipt is handwritten.
Legal document detailing the sentencing of Bernard Leopold in Helena, Montana on May 17, 1892, for selling whiskey to Native Americans. The sentence includes a fine of $250.00 plus court costs of $112.02, with imprisonment at Deer Lodge until the fine and costs are paid.
Incomplete check from L. H. Hershfield & Co., Helena, Montana, dated 1865. The Merchants National Bank of Helena, Montana, was originally established as L.H. Hershfield and Co. in Virginia City, Montana Territory, and operated for many years as L.H. Hershfield and Bro. It went into receivership in 1897.
Check drawn on the First National Bank of Helena, Montana, dated October 23, 1872. The check, for $3000 payable to L. Goldberg at 12% annual interest in 90 days, was signed by Goldberg and subsequently paid.
Check drawn on L. H. Hershfield & Bro. on November 5, 1880, in Helena, Montana. The check was made payable to E. Andrews & Co.
Check for an unknown amount drawn on the L.H. Hershfield & Bro. Banking House in Helena, Montana on February 16, 1883. The check was written by William H. Morrill.
Check drawn on the banking house of L. H. Hershfield & Bro., Helena, Montana, dated March 1, 1871. The check was paid in gold coin and features a vignette of a miner. L.H. Hershfield & Bro. were early Jewish pioneers in Montana.
A check for $7.00 drawn on the Merchants National Bank of Helena, Montana, on March 12, 1883. The check was written by William M. McCormick to Kountze Brothers. Aaron Hershfield is listed as the cashier. This check is part of a larger collection documenting the history of the Merchants National Bank, originally founded by Lewis H. Hershfield.
Check for an unspecified amount drawn on Greenhood, Bohm & Co. and signed by S. M. Cohn. The check was deposited with Flechheimer, Goodkinder & Co. by J.S. and includes a revenue stamp. The check was written in Helena, Montana on March 14, 1879. Rothenberg is also mentioned on the check, possibly as an attorney.
Check drawn on the Merchants National Bank of Helena, Montana on April 3, 1889, made out to Rothschild & Hadenfeldt and signed by Aaron Hershfield. The check was stamped for deposit. The Hershfield brothers, Aaron and Lewis, were prominent bankers in Montana. Lewis Hershfield was a highly successful businessman in the American West, establishing a bank in Virginia City and later moving it to Helena.
Check dated March 9, 1880, made out to Alice Knickerbocker and endorsed by her. The check was drawn on L. H. Hershfield & Bro., Bankers, in Helena, Montana. Lewis and Aaron Hershfield were prominent bankers in Montana, known for their success in Virginia City and Helena. Aaron Hershfield's later involvement in a legal case involving check fraud and a contentious divorce is also documented.
Check drawn on the Merchants National Bank of Helena, Montana on May 1, 1883, payable to Sando Bros. The check is signed by Aaron Hershfield, cashier. The Hershfield brothers, Aaron and Lewis, were prominent bankers in Montana. Lewis Hershfield was a particularly successful businessman in the American West, establishing a bank in Virginia City, Montana before moving it to Helena.
Check drawn on the Bank of California, Helena, Montana, dated June 19, 1866. The check was endorsed by F. Behan and is associated with L. H. Hershfield, an early Jewish pioneer in Montana.
Sight draft check issued by L. H. Hershfield & Co. on June 25, 1867, payable to George Clark. The check lacks a bank name. L. H. Hershfield & Co. was a prominent banking firm in Helena, Montana, originally established as L. H. Hershfield and Co. in Virginia City, Montana Territory. It later operated as L. H. Hershfield and Bro. before entering receivership in 1897. The firm was founded by Lewis Hershfield, a successful Jewish businessman in the American West.
A check for $1000 in gold coin, dated June 7, 1871, drawn on J. Strauss & Bro. and endorsed to L. H. Hershfield & Bro., bankers in Helena, Montana. The check features a vignette of a miner and a dog.
Sight draft check issued by L. H. Hershfield & Co. on July 8, 1867, payable to Maria Allen. The check does not name the bank on which it is drawn. L. H. Hershfield & Co. operated as a bank in Virginia City and later Helena, Montana. The firm was later known as the Merchants National Bank of Helena, Montana, before going into receivership in 1897.
Check dated September 2, 1868, drawn on the Fourth National Bank of New York and made payable to Kamak Levy & Co. The check is signed by L.H. Hershfield & Bro. The check features a vignette of a figure of Justice. This check represents an early example of financial activity involving Jewish pioneers in Helena, Montana.
Check drawn on the Merchants' National Bank of Helena, Montana, dated September 23, 1884, and signed by L. H. Hershfield & Son.
Check issued by L. H. Hershfield & Bros. bankers of Helena, Montana, to I. L. Holzman & Bros. on September 4, 1877. The check was endorsed by I. L. Holzman & Bros.
Billhead from Gans & Klein, clothing manufacturers and dealers in hats, hydraulic duck hose, and rubber goods, located in Helena, Montana Territory, dated May 10, 1889. The billhead also indicates an office in New York City.
Billhead from Sands Brothers, wholesale and retail dealers in dry goods, carpets, wall paper, and house furnishing goods, located in Helena, Montana. Dated January 1, 1891, this bill likely reflects a purchase made by Dudley Halford, for items, likely dry goods. The billhead has a printed header, ornate lettering, and clear details of the business address, transaction, and terms of the purchase.
A letter written on J. P. Lossl General Merchandise & Dry Goods letterhead in Pioneer, Montana, on May 19, 1895, addressed to A. M. Holter in Helena, Montana. The letter's content is not fully described. The letterhead mentions that Lossl moved his store to Wisdom, Montana after Pioneer declined.
A receipt issued by L. H. Hershfield & Bro. for currency on August 12, 1871, in Helena, Montana Territory. The receipt indicates that L. H. Hershfield acted as treasurer.
Letter written by Sam Silverman in Philipsburg, Montana Territory, to Auerbach, Wells & Co. in Helena, Montana, on February 4, 1881. Silverman inquires about a check he left with the company.
A letter written by W.M. Weinstein on his letterhead from Philipsburg, Montana to A.M. Holter in Helena, Montana, dated April 2, 1891. The letter discusses business matters, as suggested by the letterhead which identifies Weinstein as a merchant.
Billhead from Sands Brothers, wholesale and retail dealers in dry goods, fancy goods, hosiery, small wares, and carpets, located at No. 10 Main Street, Helena, Montana. Dated April 4, 1878. The bill likely details the purchase of items by J. R. McKnight & Co. The billhead lists a price of $100 and includes terms of payment of two per cent per month on all bills overdue. It contains a decorative border and a company logo.
A business letter dated February 1, 1889, from Holritz & Anderson, general merchandise merchants in Sims, Dakota Territory (present-day North Dakota), to Weinstein/Lehman, likely in Helena, Montana Territory. The letter inquires about a merchant in Helena who deals in eggs and butter, suggesting an existing trade relationship and the recent opening of a store in Helena by Holritz & Anderson.
Billhead from Charles Lehman, a wholesale and retail grocer, dealer in Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, Hardware, Grain, Farmers’ Produce, &c. The business is located at Fire-Proof Building, No. 70 Main Street, Helena, Montana. The bill lists several items and quantities purchased by Davis & Wallace on March 29, 1875, including Oats, Corn, and Butter. The billhead has a printed header with an ornate Victorian-style lettering.
Billhead of Fred. Lehman, a commission merchant, located in Helena, Montana. Dated September 4, 1876. The bill lists a series of purchases made by D & Wallace, likely for a variety of goods sold by Lehman, including groceries, wines, liquors, cigars, tobaccos, and other general merchandise. The billhead is printed in a neat, clear font, with a header detailing the name and services of the business. It also mentions that all bills are to be paid within 30 days. The billhead is handwritten by a third party and includes information about the transaction date, item, quantity, and price. It is a document that is typical of the late 19th century.
Invoice from L. Auerbach & Bro., importers and wholesale dealers of teas, spices, wines, liquors, foreign and domestic groceries, cigars, tobacco, notions, smokers' articles, saddlery and hardware, fruit, etc. Located in Helena, Montana Territory. Dated May 31, 1875. The bill is for various items purchased by James L. Davis, and includes an itemized list of the transaction. The billhead features a decorative logo featuring a barrel and two men on either side.
Billhead from Morris Bros., dealers in Havana and domestic cigars, tobacco, pipes, notions, cutlery, ammunition, pistols, etc. Located at Main Street, Helena, Montana. Dated December 27, 1874. The bill lists an item purchased by R. C. Wallace. The billhead has a printed header, ornate lettering, and clear details of the business address and transaction. The billhead is printed on lined paper, which includes an invoice table with columns. The billhead notes that Morris Bros. is a successor to S. L. Holzman and Bros. This is an itemized purchase order for goods.
Manuscript document appointing Edward A. Jacobs as Deputy Marshal of the Crow Reservation in Montana Territory. Written and signed by William F. Wheeler, U.S. Marshal of the District of Montana, on May 28, 1874. On the verso, Jacobs resigned on July 16, 1874.
Billhead from Morris Bros. and J. A. W. Knight & Co., general stores in Helena, Montana Territory, dated December 12, 1879. The billhead lists a variety of merchandise including playing cards, firearms, ammunition, baby carriages, fruits, cigars, crockery, and glass. A handwritten note mentions the unavailability of certain cigarettes.
Invoice from Charles Lehman, a commission merchant, dealer in groceries, wines, liquors, tobacco, hardware, grain, farmers' produce, etc., located at No. 70 Main Street in Helena, Montana Territory. Dated September 1, 1873. The invoice lists two items, likely purchased by A. J. Davis, a sheriff at the time. The billhead displays ornate Victorian-style lettering and includes a decorative motif in the top right corner.
Billhead from Frederick Lehman, a Commission Merchant, located at No. 53 Main Street, Helena, Montana Territory. Dated January 31, 1876. The billhead lists a total of 6 items and a total value of $319.20. It is formatted with a hand-written itemized list of goods sold to Davis & Wallen, indicating an amount in dollars and cents for each item. It also lists a handwritten total amount at the bottom of the bill. The billhead is printed on thin, lined paper. The text is in a traditional Victorian-style font.
Billhead from Guiterman Brothers, importers and jobbers of men's furnishing goods, located at 375 & 377 Sibley Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The billhead is dated February 14, 1888, and it appears to list a purchase of goods by a customer in Helena, Montana, for the sum of $400.4900. The billhead features an ornate Victorian-style design, with a large image of the business building and elaborate lettering. It lists the business's address and phone number, and it includes the business name within a decorative oval shape. The name Leo Guiterman is handwritten at the top.
Receipt for a deposit of $2,000 in treasury notes with L. H. Hershfield & Co., bankers, in Helena, Montana on March 21, 1868. The receipt also mentions Ware Ollis & Co.
A receipt documenting a deposit of $215 in currency with L. H. Hershfield & Bro., bankers in Helena, Montana, on August 11, 1871. The receipt was issued to T. C. Groshor.
Receipt for $410 in currency deposited with L. H. Hershfield & Bro. Banking House in Helena, Montana on January 30, 1880. The receipt was issued to I. B. Porter.
Billhead from Sands Brothers Dry Goods store located at 40 Main Street, Helena, Montana, dated August 27, 1878. The firm later operated two locations, one in Helena, Montana run by M. Sands, and another at 54 Worth Street, New York, run by J. Sands. The Helena building still stands.
This archival collection contains a price list folder and a check from Greenhood & Bohm, a liquor distribution firm operating in Helena, Montana, in 1889. The eight-panel price list details wines, liquors, and other beverages offered by the company. The accompanying check, dated May 2, 1889, is drawn on a Helena bank. The collection offers insight into the business practices and operations of Greenhood & Bohm, and the broader context of the liquor trade in late 19th-century Montana. The folder measures 3.5"x5.75" (folded), 14"x5.75" (unfolded), while the check measures 7.5"x3". Minor soil is present on the folder.
This pamphlet contains the constitution and by-laws of the United Hebrew Benevolent Association of Helena, Montana, printed in New York in 1885 by Thalmessinger & Mendham. It includes a list of the association's members. The document outlines the organization's rules, regulations, and objectives, providing insight into the structure and activities of a Jewish benevolent society in the American West during the 19th century.
Bill from Gans & Klein, importers, manufacturers, and dealers in clothing, boots, California blankets, and hydraulic hose, located in Helena, Montana. Dated January 3, 1872. The bill lists an item purchased by J. H. McKnight & Co., likely from the business's factory in New York City, located at 184 & 186 Church Street. The bill includes a handwritten list of items with their associated prices and sums of money, and provides a company address. The billhead features a hand-drawn logo of the company name with ornate lettering and includes a section with payment terms.
Check issued by L. H. Hershfield & Co., Bankers, in Helena, Montana Territory on October 27, 1866. The check, written in German, is payable to Herr Levy for $1443.75 and signed by Mann & Berliner.
Check drawn on L. H. Hershfield & Co., Bankers, in Helena, Montana, dated June 6, 1867. The check is made out to 'Self' for $2,102.00 and payable in gold dust at a discounted rate. The check is signed by H. Rosenthal (possibly the H. Rosenthal from Nevada) and includes a notation on the verso specifying payment terms in gold dust.
Stock certificate #21 for 8,333 shares of the Castle Real Estate and Improvement Company, issued to Henry S. Glazier on February 7, 1893, in Helena, Montana. The certificate is signed by E.D. Edgerton and President Albert Seligman. It features a vignette of surveyors and was printed by the Pioneer Press of St. Paul. The certificate is not cancelled.
Billhead of L. Auerbach & Bro., importers of and wholesale dealers in wines and liquors, foreign and domestic groceries, cigars, smokers' articles, notions, saddlery, and harness, located on Main Street, Helena, MT. Dated November 1, 1877. The bill is addressed to Lackey & Co., and lists several items and their prices, with a total of 22.00. The billhead features a decorative illustration of a figure holding a scale and a sword, a common symbol of justice. The billhead displays ornate Victorian-style lettering.
Billhead from Sands Brothers, dealers in wholesale and retail dry goods, fancy goods, hosiery, small wares, and carpets, located at No. 48 Main Street, Helena, Montana. Dated September 1, 1875. The bill lists a purchase of 2½ yds of 'sheeting' for $3.35, likely from J.L. Davis. The billhead has a printed header with ornate lettering, an embossed pattern, and clear details of the business address and transaction.
Billhead from Sands Brothers dry goods store located at 48 Main Street, Helena, Montana, dated April 5, 1875. The store was operated by the Sands brothers: Abraham, Morris, and Julius. The billhead also mentions Davis & Wallace.
Billhead from Sands Brothers Dry Goods store, located at 48 Main Street, Helena, Montana. The billhead is dated November 1, 1875. Sands Brothers was a prominent dry goods store in Helena, established in Bannack in 1866 and later moving to Helena in 1867. The business was operated by the Sands brothers: Abraham, Julius, and Morris.
Bill from Sands Brothers, a wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods, fancy goods, hosiery, small wares, and carpets. Located at No. 48 Main Street, Helena, Montana. Dated December 1, 1875. The bill likely lists the purchase of an item(s) by Davis & Wallace from the business, and includes an itemized list of the transaction. The billhead has a printed header, a decorative logo, and clear details of the business address and transaction.
Invoice from Kleinschmidt & Bro., wholesale and retail grocers and produce dealers, located at the Masonic Building in Helena, Montana. Dated August 11, 1877. The bill was issued to Davis & Wallace and lists an itemized list of the transaction, including details of costs and freight. The billhead has a printed header, ornate lettering, and a decorative border along the top and bottom of the bill.
Check for an unspecified amount issued by L. H. Hershfield & Co. on July 15, 1867, in Helena, Montana Territory. The check is payable to "Charity" and signed by L. H. Hershfield. L. H. Hershfield was a prominent Jewish businessman in the American West, known for establishing banks in Montana.
Stock certificate of the Helena Steam Power and Lighting Company, Helena, Montana, dated December 26, 1885. Signed by Moses Morris as President and Herman Gans as Secretary. F.H. Kleinschmidt purchased fifteen shares, as indicated by his signature on the reverse. The certificate features gold borders and an Egyptian motif.
Billhead from Kleinschmidt & Bro., wholesale and retail grocers and produce dealers, located in the Masonic Building, Helena, Montana. Dated May 2, 1876. The bill is for a purchase by Davis & Wallace, and lists the item 'Cured Meat' for $291.06. The billhead features simple, clear lettering in a basic format.
Billhead for Jonathan Levy & Co., wholesale dealers in staple and fancy groceries, located in Helena, Montana Territory. The billhead is dated June 30, 1873, and lists a transaction between Jonathan Levy & Co. and Wallace & Davis. The billhead contains a list of items with corresponding prices. The billhead has an ornate header with a handwritten text indicating the transaction.
Billhead for Gans & Klein, manufacturers and dealers in fashionable clothing, gents furnishing goods, hats, boots and shoes, hydraulic hose, rubber clothing, California blankets, etc., etc., etc., located in Helena, Montana. The bill is dated November 16, 1875, and lists a transaction for various items likely related to clothing. The bill lists an itemized purchase, likely clothing, by a buyer named A. H. McKnight. The billhead features a decorative, ornate Victorian-style header. This includes an embellished “Gans & Klein” at the top, a decorative floral border, and a printed header section.
Invoice from Charles Lehman, a wholesale and retail grocer located in Helena, Montana, dated December 28, 1874. The invoice lists the items purchased by Davis & Wallace, including: 3 ½ dozen candles, 1 dozen bottles of 'Paregoric', 1 box of raisin, 1/2 box of 'French', 1/2 dozen Curry Powder, 1 ½ dozen 'Milk R’d', 1 dozen 'Buckles', 5 ‘C.C.’ ‘Suvrin’. The billhead features an elaborate handwritten title and a bold header stating the business name, location, and a list of goods sold. It includes a price list and a handwritten notation that payment has been received.
Invoice from Morris Bros., dealers in Havana and domestic cigars, tobacco, pipes, notions, cutlery, ammunition, pistols, and other items, located at Main Street, Helena, Montana. The bill lists a purchase of cigars by Davis & Wallace, and includes an itemized list of the transaction. The business name is printed at the top of the page with a statement about the business below it. The billhead displays a plain format with clear details of the business address and transaction.
Billhead from Morris Bros., successors to S. L. Holzman & Bro., located on Main Street, Helena, Montana. The billhead lists "CIGARS...FIRE ARMS...Ammunition" among their goods and is dated December 31, 1876. The billhead also mentions Davis and Wallace.
Commercial letter written on the letterhead of the Helena and Frisco Mining Company in Gem, Idaho, on November 23, 1891. The letter mentions A. J. Seligman as Secretary-Treasurer and Director. The letter's content pertains to business matters.
Billhead from Charles Lehman, a wholesale and retail grocer, dealer in wines, liquors, tobacco, hardware, grain, farmers' produce, and other items, located at 70 Main Street, Helena, Montana. Dated June 28, 1875. The bill lists a variety of items purchased, including goods like syrup, dried grease, pickles, butter, lard, soap, and other groceries. The transaction is likely for the purchase of these items by Davis & Wallace. The billhead includes a listing of items, quantities, and prices.
Invoice from Sands Brothers, a wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods, fancy goods, hosiery, small wares, and carpets, located at No. 48 Main Street, Helena, Montana. The billhead features a decorative stamp with the words “Bought of” and “Sands Brothers” within a circular frame. The business details are printed in a simple typeface. Dated December 24, 1874. The invoice lists several items and their corresponding costs for J. L. Davis, with individual items including 'Bousier, 10 yds.', 'Lothilu Kosh', 'Omna', and 'Silk'. The invoice contains handwritten notations and details of the transaction.
Billhead from Morris Bros., successors to S. L. Holzman, located on Main Street in Helena, Montana. The billhead is dated May 3, 1875, and advertises Havana and domestic cigars, tobacco, pipes, notions, cutlery, ammunition, and pistols. The document also contains information about the Orthodox Jewish Congregation (OHAVA EMUNO) in Denver.
Billhead from Kleinschmidt Brothers & Co., wholesale and retail grocers and produce dealers in Helena, Montana Territory. The bill is dated April 3, 1881, and made out to Richard Lockey.
Postal return confirmation slip documenting a transaction between L. H. Hershfield & Bro. in Helena, Montana, and the Merchants Bank of Canada in Montreal, dated June 27, 1881. The document shows the confirmation of the return of a postal item.
Invoice from Code, Elfelt & Co., manufacturers of jams, jellies, pickles, preserves, ketchups, sauces, and canned goods of every description, located in San Francisco. The bill was sold to A. W. Holter and Bro., in Helena, Montana. Dated July 11, 1874. The invoice lists a variety of items such as 'Grape. Pick.', 'Pea. Soup', 'Lemon. Syrup', and 'Tomatoes'. Each item has an associated quantity and price. The billhead displays the company's name with ornate, Victorian-style lettering, and it includes decorative borders and a framed header section.
A letter written by J. Switzer on November 13, 1884, from Helena, Montana. The letter mentions Switzer's involvement in the wholesale liquor business and a lithograph depicting a storefront. Switzer, who arrived in Helena in 1877, was a successful businessman with investments in various mining and commercial ventures in Montana.
Billhead for M. Silverman, proprietor of the Helena Armory, located on the east side of Main Street in Helena, Montana. Dated February 9, 1885. The bill indicates that J. H. McKnight & Co. purchased goods from the business, likely consisting of arms, ammunition, tobacco, and cigars. The bill lists “1 box apples” priced at 300 and a handwritten “Craiglow” for the cost of the goods. The billhead has ornate lettering, a logo of the company and a list of other goods and services offered.
Bill from S. L. Holzman & Bro., importers of California and Oregon fruits, located on Main Street, Helena, Montana. Dated September 21, 1873. The bill is for 37½ lbs. of fruit, with a price of 75 cents per lb., and a total of $28.12. The billhead lists the business as also selling cigars, notions, stationery, ammunition, and pistols. The bill was purchased by McKnight & Co. and appears to be a record of a completed transaction.
Billhead from Morris Bros., dealers in Havana and Domestic Cigars, tobacco, pipes, notions, cutlery, ammunition, pistols, and French and American Confectionaries, located on Main Street in Helena, Montana. The billhead notes they are successors to S. L. Holzman & Bro. Dated July 19, 1875, the bill lists a series of purchases made by M. M. Holter, likely cigars, cigarettes, and confectionaries. The bill displays a handwritten ledger-style format and contains a summary of the purchase at the bottom.
Billhead from Gans & Klein, manufacturers of clothing and dealers in boots & shoes, hats, furnishing goods, hydraulic hose, segars & tobacco, quicksilver & rubber goods, stationery, etc. Dated April 13, 1870, from their office at 42 Warren Street, NYC. The billhead has a stamp indicating the business's New York Office address. The bill lists an item purchased by M. D. Oppenheimer, likely clothing, with a handwritten note indicating the quantity: '50 yds'.
Billhead from Auerbach, Wells & Co., wholesalers and retailers of wines, liquors, fancy goods, notions, stationery, wall and wrap papers, located on Main Street in Helena, Montana. Dated April 1, 1878. The bill is addressed to R. Lockey & Co. and includes a record of the transaction. The billhead features the company name, a list of goods sold, and the business address. The billhead also notes the company is a depot for the sale of Singer Manufacturing Co. sewing machines, threads, and attachments. The document shows evidence of items being purchased from a different business, including an accounting line for “12 C.M.I. (2 + Gaynor 1 Zubrissie).” The document has an ornate Victorian-style font and layout.
Billhead dated March 27, 1874, for a transaction between Jonathan Levy & Co. and Wallace & Davis. The billhead lists Jonathan Levy & Co. as wholesale dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Helena, Montana Territory. No street address is listed. The billhead appears to be a printed form with lines for writing in details of the transactions.