Geography: Greenfield

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Associated Items

Miniature Whiskey Jug by H. & J. H. Isaacs, Greenfield, Massachusetts Miniature Whiskey Jug by H. & J. H. Isaacs, Greenfield, Massachusetts

Miniature whiskey jug produced by H. & J. H. Isaacs in Greenfield, Massachusetts. The exact date of manufacture is unknown, but based on stylistic evidence, it is estimated to be around 1910.

Envelope: Advertisement for "Marquis of Michigan" Vaudeville Show, 1898 Envelope: Advertisement for "Marquis of Michigan" Vaudeville Show, 1898

Envelope advertising the "Marquis of Michigan" vaudeville show featuring Sam Bernard and a company. The envelope was mailed from Greenfield, Massachusetts to New York, New York on October 1, 1898.

The Recorder, August 21, 1816: Report on the London Society for Promoting Christianity Among the Jews The Recorder, August 21, 1816: Report on the London Society for Promoting Christianity Among the Jews

Newspaper clipping from *The Recorder*, published in Greenfield, Massachusetts on August 21, 1816. The clipping features a report from the London Society for Promoting Christianity Among the Jews detailing reasons for Jewish conversion. It also mentions the formation of an auxiliary society in Boston in June 1816, the "American Society for Meliorating the Conditions of the Jews."