Geography: Great Falls
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Associated Items

Billhead from Joseph Hirshberg & Co. in Choteau, Montana, dated August 3, 1892. The billhead also mentions Bateman & Switzer.

A letter written on billhead stationery of I. Marks, a dealer in Kentucky whiskies, located at 16 North Main Street, Helena, Montana. The letter is dated January 26, 1892, and mentions Great Falls, Montana.

Receipt for a pawnbroker's license issued to S. Silverman in Great Falls, Montana on January 15, 1894. The receipt indicates a cost of $30 for a three-month period. The document is a legal record.

Invoice from Silverman Bros & Company, wholesale liquor and cigar dealers, located in Great Falls, Montana. Dated March 2, 1892, the bill is made out to Bateman & Switzer and lists a variety of purchases including Porter, Bitters, and various liquors. The bill has a handwritten note indicating that the bill is paid. The invoice contains a list of items and quantities in a column format, and includes a handwritten total. The billhead is written in cursive script, and the business name, 'Silverman Bros & Company' appears in a larger, more ornate script with a border underneath. It is printed on thin, off-white paper, which is likely common for this period.

Invoice from Silverman Bros. & Co., wholesale liquor and cigar dealers, located in Great Falls, Montana, dated March 31, 1892. The invoice is addressed to Bateman and Sweitzer and lists an itemized account of liquor purchases by quantity and price. The total amount of the invoice is $16.25. The billhead features bold lettering and a clear layout. It is printed on ruled ledger paper.

Billhead from Bateman & Switzer, commission merchants and dealers in Kentucky whiskies, located at 201 West Main Street, Louisville, Kentucky. Dated June 10, 1891. The billhead is addressed to Nathan F. Block in Great Falls, Montana.

A two-page letter dated December 8, 1891, from Ulman Goldsborough Co. in Baltimore, Maryland, to Bateman & Switzer in Great Falls, Montana. The letter details an order for various types of whiskey, including Maryland Rye, Wilson Rye, and Wilson Bourbon, and discusses pricing discrepancies noted by their agent, Mr. Silberberg.