Geography: Goliad

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Associated Items

Billhead - Edward Seeligson, Goliad, Texas, October 3, 1874 Billhead - Edward Seeligson, Goliad, Texas, October 3, 1874

A billhead of Edward Seeligson, dealer in dry goods, groceries, and general merchandise, located in Goliad, Texas. The billhead is dated October 3, 1874, and is made out to W. A. Jackson, guardian of Lucy Berryman. The billhead contains a detailed list of items purchased, with quantities, prices, and dates of purchase, including 2 balls knitting thread, 1 breakfast shell, 3 pair hoots, 1 pair shoes, 1 belt, 1 copy book, 7 yds calico, 1 yd batten, 1 box pencils, 1 bot dommels, 7 yds ruffles, 7 yds calico, and 1 dress hat.

Billhead - J. Rosenfield & Co., Galveston, Texas, September 1, 1892 Billhead - J. Rosenfield & Co., Galveston, Texas, September 1, 1892

Invoice from J. Rosenfield & Co., wholesalers of fancy and variety goods, trimmings, cutlery, stationery, and toys, located at No. 2215 and 2217 Strand, Galveston, Texas. Dated September 1, 1892. The bill details a transaction for numerous items sold to M. Lichtenstein in Goliad, Texas. The billhead includes a printed header and an itemized list with quantities, prices, and totals.

Billhead - Edward Seeligson, Goliad, Texas, October 3, 1874 Billhead - Edward Seeligson, Goliad, Texas, October 3, 1874

Billhead of Edward Seeligson, dealer in dry goods, groceries, and general merchandise. Located in Goliad, Texas, the billhead is dated October 3, 1874. It lists the purchase of various items by W. A. Jackson, including blank books, hats, and thread, along with a total cost. The billhead has simple Victorian-style lettering with a header section noting the company name and address.