Geography: Demopolis
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A billhead from Isaac Marx, a dealer in dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, etc. in Demopolis, Alabama. The billhead is dated January 18, 1877. The bill is a written message from Isaac Marx to E. C. Bailey. The transaction description is written in cursive. The billhead contains a small printed image of a horse-drawn carriage, which appears to be stylized in a Victorian-era style. The billhead also contains the text 'Always on Hand', which is likely a company slogan.
Billhead from Weil Brothers, general merchants in Demopolis, Alabama, dated January 6, 1880. The billhead features the company's name and location. The image shows a printed form likely used for recording business transactions.
This letter, dated September 20, 1875, was written by Ebenezer C. Bailey to Mayer Brothers in Demopolis, Alabama. The letter discusses the transmittal of a bill. Mayer Brothers were early Jewish merchants in Demopolis.
A letter written by Lyman Duke to Isaac Marx on December 7, 1874, in Demopolis, Alabama. The letter details Duke's travel plans as a traveling salesman. It is written on Marx's stationery.