Geography: Corry
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This trade card advertises H. L. Spiesman, a clothing merchant located at 19 Union Block, 1st Ave in Corry, Pennsylvania. The card depicts a whimsical scene, with a boy in a high shoe acting as a boat, carrying a girl in a dress. The back of the card features an advertisement for Edwin Burt, a New York based clothing merchant. The back of the card also includes the text 'National Card of Edwin Burt'.
This trade card advertises Julius Jacobson, a dry-goods merchant in Corry, Pennsylvania. The front of the card features a colorful illustration of roses. A vase with red and white roses is depicted in the center. The bottom of the card shows a cat peering at the vase. A group of boys are standing in front of a home outside in the snow, with a snowman in the background. The back of the card is blank.
Printed receipt for membership dues issued to Jacob Berliner by Ahaveth Sholem Lodge No. 160 of the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith (I.O.B.B.) in Corry, Pennsylvania on July 1, 1873. The receipt is signed by the financial secretary and includes accounting for dues of other members on the reverse.
Receipt issued to Jacob Berliner on October 1, 1871, for membership dues to the Ahaveth Sholem Lodge No. 160 of the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith in Corry, Pennsylvania. The receipt features an embossed B'nai B'rith Ahaveth Sholem Lodge No. 160, I.O.B.B. marking and is signed by the financial secretary. The reverse side contains accounting for dues of other members. The lodge was incorporated in 1871.
A receipt issued on January 21, 1872, in Corry, Pennsylvania, to Jacob Berliner for membership dues to the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, Ahaveth Sholem Lodge. The reverse side contains accounting information for dues paid by other members.
Printed receipt (hand-filled) for dues payment to the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, Ahavath Sholem Lodge No. 160, on December 8, 1872. The receipt shows an embossed mark from the lodge, incorporated in 1871. The reverse side contains accounting for dues of other members. The lodge operated in Oil City and Corry, Pennsylvania.
This collection comprises nineteen documents related to Ahaveth Sholem Lodge No. 160 of the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, located in Corry, Pennsylvania. The documents date from 1871 to 1893 and include reports, financial records, administrative records, letters, and a membership certificate book. The materials detail the lodge's founding and early years, providing insights into its activities and membership. One item of note is a ceremonial leather apron bearing the lodge's insignia. The collection offers a glimpse into the history of this fraternal organization in Corry, Pennsylvania, a town situated northeast of Erie, Pennsylvania, near the New York state border.
Manuscript by-laws of Ahaveth Sholem Lodge No. 160 of the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, Benevolence, Brotherly Love & Harmony. Article VI is presented, written on organizational letterhead by J. Berliner, Secretary, on August 31, 1890, in Corry, Pennsylvania.