Geography: Carson City
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A passbook verification from The Bullion and Exchange Bank, located in Carson City, Nevada, dated October 1, 1892. The billhead lists the bank's capital and surplus amounts. The document was likely mailed to a customer, A. Cohn, and includes a handwritten note from Cohn confirming the balance of his account. The billhead features a simple, clear design, and contains the bank's official letterhead, including the names of key individuals. The billhead has a handwritten signature with a flourish, indicating the date and the customer's name.

Billhead for The Carson City Savings Bank, located in Carson City, Nevada. Dated July 22, 1883. The bill is a sales slip listing a transaction for 100 shares of the Albion stock, for a total of 35 cents per share. The billhead includes the bank's name, location, date, and a description of the stock transaction.

A deposit slip from the Bullion Exchange Bank in Carson City, Nevada, dated May 10, 1888, showing a deposit of $80 from Blumenthal & Cohn.

Deposit slip from Blumenthal & Cohn to the Bullion and Exchange Bank in Carson City, Nevada, dated May 21, 1888. The slip indicates a deposit of $110.

Deposit slip from Blumenthal & Cohn to the Bullion and Exchange Bank in Carson City, Nevada, dated May 22, 1888. The slip indicates a deposit of $50.

A deposit slip from the Bullion Exchange Bank in Carson City, Nevada, dated May 3, 1888. The slip shows a deposit of $160 from Blumenthal & Cohn.

Deposit slip from Blumenthal & Cohn to the Bullion and Exchange Bank in Carson City, Nevada, dated May 7, 1888. The slip indicates a deposit of $150.

A letter dated March 3, 1888, from the Anglo-Californian Bank, Ltd. in San Francisco, California, to the Bullion & Exchange Bank in Carson City, Nevada. The letter explains the workings of the spot silver market and the reasons behind their lower silver price. Philip Lilienthal, founder of the Anglo-Californian Bank in 1873 (successor to J & W Seligman and Co. of London), is mentioned in the context of the letter.

A letter dated November 18, 1891, from Hirsh & Brother in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, requesting Wells Fargo Bank in Carson City, Nevada to collect on a draft. The letter includes the address 1309-1317 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

A stock transaction sheet from the Bullion and Exchange Bank in Carson City, Nevada, dated December 23, 1890. The form documents a request to sell 100 shares of Bullion stock, likely a silver mining stock from the Comstock Lode. The sheet is signed by H. Cohn as the purchaser.

A one-page letter written on March 18, 1879, by H. I. Cohen, Secretary of the Territorial Enterprise newspaper in Virginia City, Nevada, to Jasper Babcock. The letter discusses a proposal to print books of laws, noting that the contract was awarded to Bancroft in San Francisco.

Billhead from Sheyer & Morris, Dealers in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Carson City, Ormsby County, Nevada, dated September 1, 1871. The bill lists spools, needles, and buttons sold to Mr. Huney (likely Captain John W. Haynie). The business was located on Carson Street, next to Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express Office. The billhead is printed in black, red, and blue by M. Weiss, Oriental Printing House, San Francisco, CA, and marked "Paid." Jacob Sheyer and Louis Morris are listed as the business owners.

A letter dated September 10, 1889, from Henry Wolff, a dealer in watch materials, jewelers' findings, and music boxes at 120 Sutter Street, San Francisco, California, to the Bullion and Exchange Bank in Carson City, Nevada. The letter's content is not specified, but a San Francisco newspaper clipping referencing the engagement of Miss Kittle Kohen and Mr. Henry Wolff is mentioned.

A commercial letter dated August 13, 1889, from Henry Wolff, located at 120 Sutter St., Rooms 5 & 6, San Francisco, California, to the Bullion & Exchange Bank in Carson City, Nevada. The letter concerns an endorsed note for $20.00 belonging to Isadore Cohen.

Billhead from Mrs. J. Sheyer & Co., a dry goods store in Carson City, Nevada, dated September 1, 1877. The bill is related to the Virginia & Truckee Railroad Company. It's a two-page document with the pages still joined. Mrs. Sheyer was the widow of Rabbi Jacob Sheyer, who was a prominent figure in the Jewish community of Nevada in the 19th century.

Statement of Account from Rosenbaum & Einstein, located at the southeast corner of Clay and Battery Streets in San Francisco. Dated February 14, 1876. The billhead is addressed to E. Walker in Carson City, Nevada. The bill mentions a bill rendered for $80.00.

A commercial letter from the stock brokerage firm Zadig, Wollberg & Co., located at 306 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California, to J. R. Hofer in Carson City, Nevada, dated July 20, 1888. The letter pertains to a financial transaction, possibly a buy slip.

Stock certificate #13 for two shares in the Bullion and Exchange Bank, Carson City, Nevada. Issued on October 27, 1887, to Jacob Klein, who was president of the bank. The certificate measures 5.25" x 9.5".

Invoice from the Bullion and Exchange Bank, located at the corner of Carson and Proctor Streets, Carson City, Nevada, for an insurance payment made to Mrs. M. Kan. The billhead includes the names of the bank's officers: Jacob Klein, President; Evan Williams, Vice President; and T. R. Hoper, Cashier. The invoice is dated May 11, 1889 and lists a payment of $31.50 for 'insurance policy #1753' with the notation 'Angle Nevada'. The bank's name is printed with ornate lettering and is framed by a decorative border. The date 'Aug 19 1889' and the notation 'Paid' are written in ink. The billhead also includes a line for 'Tribune Print'.

Billhead for Western Union Telegraph Co. in Carson City, Nevada. Dated July 10, 1886. The bill lists a transaction for the “weekly stock report” and is addressed to the Bullion & Exchange Bank. This is a receipt showing payment. It also states that “one day off” is credited to the account.

Billhead - Mrs. J. Sheyer & Co., dealers in fancy and staple dry goods, located at the North-East corner of Carson and Spear Streets, Carson City, Nevada. Dated August 1, 1876. The bill lists a payment made by the Virginia & Truckee Railroad for $7.00 for the month of July. The billhead includes a company logo, an ornate border and decorative Victorian lettering.

Invoice from Cerf, Schloss & Company, manufacturers' agents for lamps and stoves, located at 119 Battery Street, San Francisco. Dated August 10, 1886, and indicates a purchase by the Virginia & Truckee Railroad, Carson City, Nevada. The billhead includes an itemized list of the transaction. The billhead has a printed header and decorative elements, such as a company logo for electric lamps and stoves.

Billhead from Olcovich Bros., a general store in Carson City, Nevada, dated December 31, 1890. The billhead lists groceries, boots, shoes, and blankets among their merchandise. Olcovich Bros. was a prominent Jewish-owned business in Carson City.