Geography: Brenham

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Letter from H. Levinson to Isaac Leeser, Brenham, Texas, December 28, 1849 Letter from H. Levinson to Isaac Leeser, Brenham, Texas, December 28, 1849

A letter from H. Levinson of the firm Harmam & Levinson in Brenham, Washington County, Texas, to Isaac Leeser, dated December 28, 1849. The letter, which is unstamped, concerns an order for "occidents."

Billhead of D. W. Bloombargh & Co., Brenham, Texas, October 17, 1879 Billhead of D. W. Bloombargh & Co., Brenham, Texas, October 17, 1879

Billhead from D. W. Bloombargh & Co., dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, located in Brenham, Texas. Dated October 17, 1879. The billhead includes a signature from M.J. Jacob, suggesting involvement in a legal matter. An additional address is listed: 174 Church Street, NYC.