Geography: Bloomfield

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Associated Items

Letter from Spiesberger Brothers, Keokuk, Iowa, to Bloomfield, Indiana, August 19, 1889 Letter from Spiesberger Brothers, Keokuk, Iowa, to Bloomfield, Indiana, August 19, 1889

A business letter written by the Spiesberger Brothers, located at 406 Main Street, Keokuk, Iowa, on August 19, 1889. The letter's recipient and contents are unknown, though the subject may relate to their clothing business. The letter mentions Meyer Spiesberger's role as president of Keokuk's first building for a synagogue.

Letter from Richea Gratz Hays to Rebecca Gratz, September 28, 1799 Letter from Richea Gratz Hays to Rebecca Gratz, September 28, 1799

Autograph letter written by Richea Gratz Hays to Rebecca Gratz on September 28, 1799. The letter was written from Bloomfield, New Jersey, and addressed to Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The letter is notable for its discussion of Richea Gratz Hays being one of the first American Jewish women to attend college (Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, PA).